Woes in the British Royal Court
(a non-binding objectively preconceived hypothesis)
In 2016, the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, arrived on an official visit to the United Kingdom. In his honor, a royal lunch was given at the Castle of Windsor. The feast was going on at a stump pace. The Americans, having freed themselves from heavy royal etiquette thanks to fine food and, of course, selected drinks, lost the decency that is necessary in such cases and became quite noisy. However, the fun was interrupted by Queen Elizabeth II (may she rest in peace). In an unobjectionable tone, the Secretary of the Court was ordered to convey to the American Head of State that Her Majesty was tired and wished to withdraw. This is how the feast ended. According to the protocol, lunch was terminated with the withdrawal of the host. And the guests were supposed to leave the royal residence.
The humiliation was complete. The unfriendly, racist undertone of the crowned person did not, to put it mildly, make a particularly good impression on the sensitive and rather presumptuous American leader.
Revenge did not take long! In all likelihood, the decision of the collision in question was charged with the massive organization CIA. And while the capabilities of this organization are highly overexposed, the intelligence agency is still able to cope with such challenges. The guys from Langley, Virginia, found the right person to respond to the humiliation. Black second-rate actress Meghan Markle was imposed as the wife of the forever wallowing in self-pity about his lost mother, Prince Harry.
Nihil sub sole novum! Nothing new under the sun, as they say.
The task of the scouts was not of the easiest. According to gossip, at the time, the prince fell for model Sarah Ann MacLaine. In addition, she was perceived by the royal apologists (supporters and sympathizers) as suitable for the playboy prince. Maybe it was due to the hats she was wearing and looked well on her, just unlike Megan, who looked grotesque with them. But above all, because she IS British, and the people of the United Kingdom are accomplished chauvinists.
The operation was almost about to fail. The prince began to meander between the two ladies, but the British woman surprisingly withdrew for unknown reasons. In 2018, the chosen one of the CIA became Duchess of Sussex. And it’s not strange that she is weaving thorns on the British crowned heads.
Everything has a price!
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