The War in Ukraine
Modern American politicians do not render an account of the fact that the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is an interstate one just on the surface. Viewed from the inside, this in fact is pure Civil war. This misbelief leads to the evil American practice, led during WWI and ever after, the American presidents` practices to be followed, which in fact is the establishment of world hegemony on behalf of the United States. This fallacy, however, gave rise to the vicious practice of following the policies of the American presidents during WWI and ever after when the American state set out purposefully on the path to establishing world hegemony. Then, in order to achieve their supremacy, the USA needed a weakened and deeply dependent Europe, which was supposed to bow its head obediently before the financial and commercial economic monopoly established by the Americans by that time.
The current American leaders miss an essential detail in the mechanical copying of political practices, which is the fact that as a result of the Civil War (1861-1865) the necessary conditions were created for the accelerated rates of economic and financial growth, ahead of Europe. As a result of this rapid development during and after WW I, the USA was able to gradually impose certain financial and economic dependences on the developed party of the world. And after its final exsanguination after WW II and the collapse of the bipolar ideological model, America actually became a world hegemon.
At present, ignoring the objective conditions, the Americans are putting the cart in front of the horse, driven by insatiable greed. Russia, secured by its financial, economic, raw material and demographic resources, is not dependent on the USA. As a consequence of this, they will come out to be more developed, stronger and independent, just as it happened in the USA, after their Civil War.
The sense of Russia`s military impotence is too deceptive. In fact it was not the Russian expectations for a quick and trouble-free victory that did not come true, but the expectations of the Western strategists for a quick defeat of Ukraine that were crushed with full force. But this by no means is to Ukrainian merit.
It is absurd to suggest that the Russian offensive is floundering due to reliable logistics and other secondary factors. The course of hostilities unequivocally shows that the Russian operational-strategic plans are built on a completely different basis. After the initial swift blows aimed at Kharkov, Chernobyl and Kiev, the Russians surprisingly retreated and subsequently purposefully developed their offensive slowly. It is this deliberate inertness that misleads observers into mistaking it for inaptitude. In reality, by giving the Ukrainians and their western enablers the false impression that their resistance is effective, the Russians are purposefully luring them to move all their available forces far to the east. Thus, cutting their enemy off from their bases, the latter are supposed to fight the battle on unfavourable territory, which will gradually lead to the exhaustion of their military capabilities. The ultimate goal is to take Kiev, Kharkov and Ukraine without resistance, on the whole. This will be achieved through the delivery of powerful cutting blows through which the weakened Ukrainian forces, mainly concentrated, in the east and having left the rest of the country unprotected, will be forced to capitulate.
War is a kind of politics which is not conducted by the military. In this conflict, the ludicrous idea is that Europe turns into an active conduit of the fundamentally wrong American model- through waging war in Russia they enhance the main danger to their hegemony in the face of China. In this situation, woe to Europe which has bitten the bait. The ghost of the unheated and dark homes in which lack will be accommodated due to a sufficient supply of hydrocarbons and food already looms over the old continent. In 2021 Russia supplied 40% of all natural gas for the European Union, as well as 25 % of oil consumption- quantities that can hardly be filled from other sources in the short remaining period to the winter.
A piece of information to dwell on: Russian exports of hydrocarbons and agricultural production are already being diverted to the vast markets of the fast growing Asian economies.
The ruthless lessons of history- in 1941 Europe, viewing Great Britain and above all dignified France had the imprudence to treat the negotiations for an alliance with the USSR with negligence and irresponsibility. We all are aware of the cost then- to France and to the old Continent in general. Russia has always been and will be the main balancing factor in geopolitical terms. This fact is not dependable on the specific political situation.
I use the ungrounded “for the time being”, combined with the anticipation that in Germany, for the first time since WW II, newly hatched pan-German hawks are raising their heads( in the face of Olaf Scholz and Ursula fon der Lajen ), obviously taking advantage of the current international situation related to the conflict in Ukraine. In search of revenge, hidden behind the backs of the USA, they pounce on Russia.
Europe should be particularly careful about this type of political phenomenon. The fact that Germany has always been a source of war should not be forgotten or overlooked.
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