The myth of Adam
God expelled man from Paradise, he tries to taste the forbidden fruit of knowledge. But why I joined so cruel? Is it because he wants to keep it to yourself – or human knowledge, and perhaps two or angry man and his treachery drove him to the ground, depriving him of the good comfort of Heaven? However, Adam is his creation, designed to be not only a crown of nature, but God and pride. Depriving people of knowledge, God manifests the worst of a bad character / undoubtedly it is a human measure /, dooming it to underdevelopment, although it still provides a comfortable existence. But what would happen to people, if any, say, natural phenomenon, not stronger than God, but to accept it surprised and somehow it grieved to such an extent as to discourage him, take that break Heaven? And then what would happen to the person deprived of knowledge and therefore denied the opportunity to fight for their survival? … Although there are many “if” because there may be a result of very ordinarna intrigue, the thesis assumes only one answer – doom or catastrophe, in other words for “crown of nature” with which God would be proud. And even before the destruction takes place creation.
But God is not only philanthropic, but above all responsible. By virtue of their selfishness, because nothing is foreign, it forbids a man to taste the fruits of knowledge and understand that it condemns, if not doom, it is a completely natural degradation. Facing his error (and perhaps this is not a mistake, and quite deliberate act), God sends a man, his child, the temptation, hoping that he has no defense mechanisms and will definitely wrong. And he actually wrong, tasting the fruits of knowledge. And angry, God sent him to the ground, depriving him of the luxury of being secured, and it condemns the test.
With this vow man was placed in a situation to look for himself, to grow as the world knows, but not riding, and his fear and risk, or perish. In the dialectic of development that man has only one alternative: to get back into Heaven. But whether this will be a good grandfather Heaven God or Heaven, efforts of his personal creation – man? What does this mean when the man returns to its creator in a completely new quality, recreated himself. Will there be folly, however, again yuti under its wing, or will follow its own path? One thing is certain: if stupidity is again to choose the comfort of collateral, seamless way of existence before the development, I expect new, perhaps more terrible trials, and God will again expel him from Paradise, whether he or Chelovecheskiy God, because God needed a crown, celebrate his creative nature, and not freeloader, like most creatures on earth.
07.12.1999g. Vlado Zrotev
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