The essence of man is in his existence
A view that affirms the inexhaustibility of matter dominates the world of materialistic philosophy. But why ought we to limit ourselves only to the world of the material? If we view man as an infinite creature, then the many processes and phenomena that occur in him mainly in his spiritual sphere are only miniatures of this infiniteness. Each single miniature, however, is exactly the same eternity for the processes, multiplied to infinity, generating new and new miniatures with a tendency to eternal affirmation and re-production of new eternities. We are accustomed to accepting the body as transient and the soul for eternal, therefore we immortalize the latter. But what is the soul of a man without his body? And if the spirit is born into the body, why not be considered that the spirit creates the body, by perfecting it, i.e. being given new beginning? As Friedrich Nietzsche states: “Spirit is the life that stabs a knife into life; it enriches its knowledge through its own pain…” (Fr. Nietzsche, “Thus Said Zarathustra”). The spirit is one of the many manifestations of the human nature. An essence that in its many faces represents human existence.
Man is a lonesome being. He carries his loneliness as an existential essence. Loneliness is an original quality. For some people it is blessing. It is a need they pursue consciously and deliberately, because they find a productive beginning in it. This type of people create their thoughts through loneliness. For them, loneliness is the happiness of the creative beginning- inspirational and fertile.
Loneliness makes other people unhappy, because for them it is not a necessity through which they are able to create, but an offensive given situation, which as a state of spirit (loneliness is above all a state of spirit) suppresses them and should be overcome as something ludicrous and annoying. Such people try to escape it, looking for salvation in the omnipresent crowd, where they can find a cozy shelter. So does Das Man, Heidegger’s Mass Man.
In fact, loneliness cannot be escaped, that is why one should adapt themselves to it and, if possible, use it, not just fall into senseless self-pity about how lonely and unhappy they are.
A man is born in solitude and creates in solitude (Suren Kierkegaard). Anything else is just empty whining. Man should look for the creative beginning always and only in himself.
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