Relapses of the Past – part two
(part II)
The contradictions in the Middle East will be insurmountable until the so-called Great Powers do not shake off their egoistic interests in the region and solve the problem at one stroke. Just as Alexander of Macedonia cut the knot of King Gordius. In the present case, the goal should not be conquest, but the establishment of good neighbourly relations under the auspices of the organs of the international community.
It sounds beautiful. However, the problem is the following:
1/ The Palestinians will remain dissatisfied because they will want to gain their independence on the lands from which they were expelled. But these lands have already been turned into a kind of earthly paradise with hard work, dedication, a lot of sense and, of course, brutality from the Jewish kibbutzim (rural communes). It is clear that they cannot regain their old, but already renovated lands. They will hardly like the possible new lands on which they have to build their new statehood, because they have to develop them themselves. They wouldn’t like that at all. That is why they prefer, already fifth generation, to exist at someone else’s expense, in refugee camps that have been established since 1948.
2/ The so-called “great powers,” as well as the Jews themselves, still coming from all over the world to the Promised Land, cannot abandon the politics aimed at establishing spheres of influence, i.e. of possessions (for the Great Powers), or the expansion of the living space (for the Jews), which is one and the same. Such is the nature of capital. It is not guided by moral-humanistic motives, but by the objective need to expand the markets. The ego of the Great Powers, expressed through interests, ought to be humbled, silenced, and quite voluntarily, not under pressure—something that even Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung could not cope with. As for individual nations, this mission is impossible;
3/ At this stage, there is no authoritative international community that is able to overcome the above-mentioned sources of antagonistic (irreconcilable in nature) contradictions. And this is because, in its current form, the organization of the international community (the United Nations , as well as its predecessor before World War II – the League of Nations), is in fact dominated by the “Great Powers” and is not independent from a political and financial point of view body.
The ancient Greek sage Pythagoras, as a typical agnostic, denied the possibility of man with his mind to penetrate into the mysteries of the world and to attain the Absolute truth. He asks the reasonable question: “What’s wrong with trying? „So, what prevents a radical attempt to resolve the Middle East contradictions now?
First, for this purpose, considerable funds must be poured into the region and the Palestinian Arabs must obtain an independent state on lands that will be cultivated according to the Jewish model by these means. The main obstacle in this regard is greed. The greedy human nature, which by all possible means will try to use these funds, but not rationally, i.e., for the needs of the community, and in an irrational one– i.e. for personal gain. We know the manners in this world. The other negative is that even if these funds are spent in a rational plan, the Arabs will continue to be dissatisfied… But at least they won’t be so militantly adamant.
Second, the Jewish should stop their conquests, which lead to the systematic displacement of the Palestinians – an impossible task because of the Jewish migration to Israel. But at least they can put their agricultural extensions on a contract-lease basis. Something that could become an essential financial item for the newly established PAlestine state. The problem is that no one likes to spend on something that he could be taken without money. The other problem is that even if good lease relationships be established, the Palestinians will again fall into the unenviable position of being cheap labor for the Jews. Something that sooner or later will escalate into various forms of confrontation and armed clashes will be no exception.
It turns out that there appears an enchanted, diabolical circle, which closes because, true to their nature the so-called “Great forces” cannot humble themselves nor ignore their interests. Humbling would lead them to a loss of precious influence, i.e. markets. For some, war is a humanitarian catastrophe, and for others it is a pretty good trade. And because of this irresistible seductress – trade, the leaders of the so-called. “free world” (meaning “the elite forces”, to which the European Union also belongs) allow themselves to give arbitrary qualifications such as terrorism and anti-terrorism. Arbitrary because they are not in line with the reality that is objectively operating in the Middle East. Pursuing their purely selfish goals, they fall into the contradictory situation viciously, as always, taking sides in the conflict, in fact justifying the military invasion of Gaza, which led to mass casualties among the civilian Palestinian population. They also conveniently forget their extremely opposite qualifications about the raging military conflict with similar characteristics in Europe. At the same time, they hypocritically make (as ancient actors) behind the mask of humanitarianism, not binding them without calls for “pauses in the fighting between Israel and Hamas.”
In this war, Israel aims to destroy Hamas. But even if it succeeds, it must be clear that it will destroy NOT the cause, but the effect.
Otherwise, everyone is very, very worried and troubled… But above all… Especially for your their interests. Get rid of Devil do not touch him, despite the temptation that He brings to you! (after John).
Guardianship breeds indolence.
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