Fragments 5

Fragments 5

About love / a useless advice /: Do not disturb love by malevolence.

About medicine: It is good / Thank you, Lord! / that medicine has not begun to cure colds with bypasses yet.

About happiness and misfortune: The easy makes us unhappy, the difficult makes us happy.

About the Impact of King Simeon the “Great” on Bulgarian Culture: King Simeon, the “Great” had a destructive influence not only on the state development but also on culture with his excessive ambitions about Constantinople. His Greek- mania literally imposed the blind copying of the Byzantine spiritual achievements, which predetermined the reproductive-imitative character of the Bulgarian Christian culture.

Of course, there were also significant creative achievements, but they did not define the overall character of the Bulgarian cultural tradition. In a significant part it was imitative and as such was well perceived by the mass consciousness.

Bulgarian artists create a taste for reproductive imitation. And the mass consciousness imposes it as a perceived form.

Paradoxically: We want to be like someone else! Is that the meaning of culture!?

About Stalin’s purging of society: Stalin repeated the Flood Pattern, but he did not have the courage to assume the role of Moses.

About aging: A person chooses how to get older. Some get older as dignified as cathedrals, others – like cobblestones.

About the Faith: My father always believed in me, no matter whatever heaps of nonsense I was creating.

This faith was much more obligatory than all reproaches – good-natured or insulting. For reproaches, one always finds justification, while the real person always strives to justify the faith others have in him, that is, the confidence put in him.

About the breakthrough: Mannerism in art is one of the most dangerous phenomena. Beware of it! It is the weapon of want of talent, which combined with insolence and shamelessness, is extremely functional in life, but certainly not creative.

About learning: We have to learn, not believe. To ask, not to state.

Recession: I lost you in this life, but in ten thousand lives I will continue to seek you to find you / influenced by Japanese haiku.

What We Miss: The main weakness of man is lack of persistence.

Disadvantages: Man hardly notices significant things.


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