Fragments 12
About my books: Russian, or more specifically, Ural Academism, defines my views, developed in my books “Will to War” and “Purification”, as a “suspicious hypothesis” with a “completely unexpected property”, ” devoid of evidence ” / Yu. V. Velichko /. The approach of Ural scientists is strikingly embarrassing. Apparently they have no idea what a hypothesis is and what a proof is.
About Refugees: Politicians have neither time nor ideas how to take care of refugees. Which is very unfortunate, because we are largely descendants of refugees.
About the Aristocratic and the Plebeian: In a unique way, aristocracy and plebeianism are combined in me. Spiritually, I am an aristocrat, but in life, devoid of pragmatism, I am a plebeian. Some call it rusticity, but this is a superficial perception of people devoid of dignity.
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