Fragment 7

Fragment 7

The liberal state: The liberal state is considered “invisible” because it does not “interfere” with people`s lives. The slogan of the liberals is

Laissez-faire in French: “let it go”. The Liberal State only serves as negotiator and maintains the order.

In its essence, the Bulgarian state is invisible, but it is not liberal because it simply abdicated from its basic functions to exercise rational power. / Voltaire defines two types of authority – rational and irrational. Rational authority takes care of the community’s interests, the irrational one, for its own personal interests.

Mediation: For mediocrity, there is no difference between brains and stupidity, between intellect and simplicity. It is above these things. Above those two, material and spiritual, only NOTHING exists!

Decision-making: The expectation that decisions made by us will be in our favor is completely ungrounded. A prerequisite for the decision to be in our favor is for us to take part in its taking.

Birth and Death: There is no appropriate or inappropriate time for both birth and death.

The hunger strike: / on the occasion of the big teacher strike in the autumn of 2007 / the hunger strike is a final form of uncompromising hopelessness because it is not so much about spiritual but rather about physical survival.

Death of my father: My world became emptier! I buried my father! Surely it is hard to lose a close person, even if he was imperfect, but losing a good man is a great pain.

Karl Marx: How does the devil read the Gospel / Evangelical of Greek means Good News? This year (May 5, 2018) marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of K. Marx – declared the thinker/philosopher of the millennium. Mussolini, Hitler and Stalin are his followers.

A short story: The Sea dropped dead with a sigh as the Sun was steadily following its natural course.


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