Fragment 6

Fragment 6

About Love: Love with all its emotional attachments narrows the choice of Man and makes him dependent. It is only at the beginning that love is a bright, enthusiastic and revealing feeling. The agony of doubt, eventually, becomes ugly and adds to the addiction. But in general it is a sweet grief!

About Freedom: The independent person, having overcome the everyday and emotional limitations, having risen to the vast expanse of Freedom, seems haughty, inaccessible and somewhat strange only outwardly. In fact, he is lonely. It is only in Loneliness that the true great human Freedom could be found.

About myself: I am the author of two books about World War II. Although the subject of these two books is the war, I am not militant, but a pacifist. But a particular breed of pacifist, one who does not deny war, but one that considers this phenomenon to be the basis of human development – its integral and irreplaceable part. For this reason, I believe war has a productive focus. Man as a rational being should not be confined to its mere denial, but has to conceive it in a new, unconventional way. One should set aside from the phenomena and processes that are negative for their emotion: like sacrifices, sufferings and destructions, and show the mechanisms that actually push the progressive development of mankind. But one has also to bring them into line with the progressive development of nature. This is the primary task for man!


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