author Vladimir Zrotev
Annotation of the book - Cleansing. Political philosophy of Stalinism.

The book is devoted to the victims of political games. It develops a version/hypothesis/, which shows that for the purposes of the newly started socialism building in the Soviet Union, the largest purge of society is organised, aimed at the creation of new human type – the builder of communism.
The book analyses the nature of the repressions that swept over the Soviet Union during the 1930s of the 20th century, but before everything else it is a tactile attempt to justify the objective basis for the tragic, for the Soviet people, first period of the war in the east. A correlation between the flows of the two processes is found. “No matter which way you look at it, it sounds unreal, and before all, inhumane, to provoke a world war to cleanse the “own” people. But I personally am unsatisfied with the lack of systematic concepts, credible with their truthfulness and trust-worthiness. I am not content with the lack of explanation of elementary issues, such as: why during the WWII, the Germans reached Peter, Moscow, Volga and the Caucasus? Provided that the Soviet state has the respective will for war, unlike the western world.”/Cleansing, p. 5/
One should agree that this can not be explained with the simple argument of the unexpected /Stalin’s version/ or the forestall assault /new historiographic concepts/ and the related absurd views that the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army did not envisage defensive options in the shockingly large-scale preparation of the operation “Storm.” The sudden unexpectedness and the forestall strike actually mean one and the same. Linguistically, we can only talk of nuances. From a military point of view, the two are the same and this means that the authors-researchers can not exit a closed circle. The most interesting thing is that the circle is outlined by Stalin. However, the unexpected, surprising and forestall strike can only lead to certain tactical, but can not determine the overall strategic development of the processes.
What happens in this case? In my previous book, intentionally titled by me “Will to War,” while exploring the genesis of WWII, I identified two groups of European political leaders, determining the development of the political processes. To first group refer to those seeking deliberately the war and preparing for it with all possible means – these are Stalin and Hitler. The second group comprises the leaders of the West – Neville Chamberlain and Edouard Daladier, as well as the petty politicians from the smaller European states, gravitating around them, who have no will to war, don’t prepare for it, and therefore try to avoid it.
The fate of those unprepared is clear. They fully prove Niccolo Machiavelli’s concept that the war can not be avoided, and those who are still trying to do it, work for their enemy. Indeed, France capitulated in a few weeks, while UK was forced to abdicate for a long time from the European political scene. In “Will to War,” I unequivocally prove that the good old England is no longer that factor, which it craves to be and the others are used to take it for, because of some ideological or nationalist-chauvinistic suggestions.
What is the real, and not the proclaimed role of the Leader of the nations, Stalin, in these processes? The answer to this question is one of the subjects of “Cleansing”. The strategy of the Leader is subordinate to one main purpose – to provoke a German attack in the east. A rich arsenal of political, diplomatic and military means is used for the realisation of this fundamental task. Why?
It is believed that Stalin was a true disciple and follower of Marx, Engels and Lenin. To describe in such a simple way, such a complex and extraordinary person, as the Leader of the nations, would be a grave mistake. In fact, Joseph Stalin is obsessed by the burning urges for his exclusivity and significance as a thinker and a theoretician, a continuer of the Marxist-Leninist doctrine. None the less, he does not want to be confined within the frame of the dry theory, but like his teacher, he wants to put his ideas into practice.
Actually, Stalin renounces the Marxist-Leninist idea for the World Revolution and focuses his efforts on the building of the new society in a separate country. But with the then development of the “material-technical base,” too slow to meet the growing material demands, Stalin decided, along with the improvement of the material-technical conditions of the new system to proceed with the modelling of a new subjective factor, by eliminating the weak elements. According to Stalin, this new man, should not claim material satisfaction while laying the basis for the new “superior” society. He should be taught to sacrifice himself in the name of the bright future, and for the sake of the prosperity of the future generations. Modesty is raised as main merit and moral standard. Anyhow, at that primary stage, the satisfaction of the material demands is not possible.
And in order to achieve certain results in this antagonistic structure, the Leader of the nations decided to conduct a radical purge of “his” society. To this end he intends to use the mechanisms of war.
Basically, Stalin develops and conducts the largest in the history of the human civilization experiment of social engineering of the society. The idea is not new and had been realised during the biblical times of Moses. And the religious upbringing of the Leader and the Master of the Soviet state inevitably marks his thinking.
For the purposes of the planned cleansing, it is necessary to find and cultivate a strong and effective, impetuous enemy, who will carry out the initial stage of the planned cleansing. This initial stage will create the conditions for the appearance of carefully concealed prejudices – a legacy of the royal past. And this enemy is the ambitious Nazi Führer – Adolf Hitler.
In connection with the findings about the notorious “Operation Storm” and the new views that I develop in “Cleansing,” the greatest mistake would be to treat Germany’s invasion of the USSR as a suicide – a modern view, which the contemporary Russian historians develop with great pleasure. In fact, this is pure murder. Be it political.
I’m confident that it would be hard to find direct historical evidence against Stalin and his clique about the planned mass genocide against his own people, though the motives are more or less noble. And who would leave such evidence, provided that the whole experiment failed – the biggest sorrow of the Leader of the nations. But the logic of the political developments, related to the WWII, brings us precisely to this type of conclusions. In this respect there are many, although circumstantial in nature, evidence exposing the true intentions of Stalin. The most important of them, however, lies in the fact that such a formulation of the issue drops off the traditional controversies in the treatment of a given problem, so typical for both the old Stalin-Khrushchev-Brezhnev and the modern Russian historiography, which pretends to have reconsidered its positions.
The book is based on the critical analysis of the existing literature on the subject and the views of the authors working on that issue. Personally, my views are based on the new theory, developed by me, about the war as a philosophical category. And on the basis of these new philosophical views, in both of my books, I re-examine in full a private historical phenomenon, such as WWII.