Vladimir Zrotev

A little background

I am Vladimir Zrotev. I was born in 1955 – in the riverside town on the ancient Tonzos, or else called the ancient town of the eagle at the foot of the Eastern Balkan (the data are quite controversial, although derived from similar sources). My birth month is November, if that is of any significance. I grew up in the wine region which has preserved the old traditions of winemaking and most of all the famous “Muscat” brand- the best of white wines.

Love of history struck me early ,when I was very inexperienced, an innocent 13-year old teenager thanks to a well -educated and intelligent teacher who for political reasons was forced to practise in my desolate village. That was my benefit from the old-time regime.

My first meeting with the big -scale history was Tutankhamun. But I didn’t become keen on ancient history , no matter how fabulous and entertaining it is. Perhaps I instinctively evaded archeology, because I’m lazy by nature. That’s the reason why I still wonder how I managed to read so much and even managed to write two books and am preparing a third one.To write in the sphere of history is difficult, I envy poets and novelists, because I consider their work to be more pleasant, romantic and delicate.

I started writing comparatively late- after my fortieth year.
Subconsciously I turned towards modern history because of the fascinating impact that war has on me, especially WWII. This passion dates back from an early age and that was the reason why I listened to the countless stories told by old veterans about the many wars Bulgaria took part in the past.
So gradually I became interested , though initially subconsciously.I devoured voraciously the seemingly dull memoirs of illustrious generals and warriors and was enchanted by their deeds and lives.
Of course,I read many other things but always vigorously returned to the war concept. It was gradually becoming my main occupation. Therefore,the choice of the historical faculty was something which happened naturally and in the meantime I also studied the history of philosophy.
But although my clear -cut interests so far, I hadn’t done anything of value up to that moment. It hadn’t even occurred to me to start writing,or anything like that and it was so until the moment they started publishing shocking materials about the terrible military disaster in the East or the notorious Stalinist repressions during and after the war.
Then suddenly insight enlightened me. Everything I had been reading for years was arranged into my head, I joined the military disaster and the repressions and things started to become clear.
Thus my first material appeared-a tiny one, only two pages. Although it wasn’t published it became the basis of my two far more important pieces of philosophical work: “Will for War’, a political philosophy of the Second World War and “Purification’, about the political philosophy of Stalinism’.But before they saw light I started seriously thinking and am still thinking about the philosophical essence of the war as a phenomenon not basing my thoughts on its negative connotation. I realized the war plays a major role in the human development and the social organization of mankind as well as the processes connected with Nature.
I started to build a theory that I decided to apply to a concrete occurrence such as World War II. Well. Some untraditional solutions came out which started to become the logical explanations to so far incomprehensible processes and phenomena.
All that I want to propose to your attention, dear reader,to your evaluation and judgment. I will not hide that part of the Russian academic environment protested before they were aware of my ideas in depth the Russian text of these books will appear in this site /.
When in 2003 I was preparing to print my first book “Will to War,” I boldly wrote on the back cover that it was “a book that has a radical plan to change the opinion and hence the interpretations of the Second World War’.Now I continue to think so, though later I started treating words more carefully.
So read and think, accept and reject not with emotions, but with reason and most of all comment, because this is the natural way to reaching the truth. A man, for better or worse, strives to be truthful. Perhaps that’s the essence of human life- to strive after the absolute truth.

Vladimir Zrotev