About Flies and Humans
At the dawn of democracy, when it somehow unexpectedly broke out, many welcomed the oncoming changes enthusiastically. The positive attitude, that the change of the system should primarily be due to personal change, arose spontaneously. It was believed that the old cadres should go along with the old system, and new, young, immaculate and free-minded to people would come into their place- a naive vision, associated with the inadequate hope that the new rulers would be better than the old ones, that they will form a more human face to the new system.
In order for me to dispel this illusion, I began telling a parable of Christ, who being weak and tormented by the suffered torture, was hanging on the cross, humbly awaiting his end. His appearance aroused the pity of one of the Legionnaires in charge of the execution. The Roman decided to relieve the suffering of the Son of God. He began blowing up the flies dangling on his wounds so that they would not hurt him and cause him pain. But the Savior hindered him, snapping, hardly speaking with pain: “Do not chase them away! They are already full and well, no longer biting, just standing”
What I wanted to say is that the new ones who would come into power seem clean because they had not been able to touch power so far and were therefore not compromised. But they were hungry and unprincipled, as well as the old rulers were. So, by grasping the power and the enormous opportunities that it provides, they would be eager to satisfy their endeavor to enrich themselves.
Well, that is what exactly happened. The new ones started plundering. What initially puzzled me was not exactly their robbery, but that, along with the new ones, the old ones continued preying as well. After all, I realized that the human eye, either for good or bad, is insatiable. Unlike flies, people do not stop after satisfying their initial hunger. They continue plundering and piling. The more they acquire, the more insatiable they get. A strange attitude, because nothing gained and accumulated here can be attributed to the afterlife. But that is the way human nature is!
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